Saturday, May 17, 2008

Reasons, Or trying hard to be something special

There have been situations in my life in which I've decided to PRETEND that I caused what's going on intentionally and there was a wise reason behind all what happened and I was the only person who manages things out.
As you all know, actually this may happen for almost everyone but there are people who make habit of this and live the life like they are the God of their lives; I call them Special Fools. Special, because they differ with others in certain ways, and there are smart species of them out there who act their role very cleverly so most of us think, "Oh, I wish I could do that!". And fool because they are loosing very best moments of thinking, talking and communicating by their stubbern-ness and they are lonely, very lonely. You can hear them say "No one can undestand what am I saying". They live far far away from others in their castles in sky and unfortunately most of them are one of those smart, talented and skillful people.
As I've read about philosophers, artists (mostly the classic ones) and some scientist I can see the idea of being a special fool. Believe it or not, most of the books and essays in philosphy is pubished after the death of the writer, why? because the didn't have enough confidence or the relations out there to do so, why? because they could not communicate with the world outside.

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